Saturday, January 19, 2019

Hello, Homestead Revival Friends!

It's been a while, I know. Too long in fact. Thank you to everyone who still reads and references Homestead Revival's archives.

The nearly 3+ year absence has been needed to re-establish our homestead in a new location. I took a full time job (and I do mean FULL time at 8-10 hours a day) when my husband went on disability, and it's taken some time to get to a place where I can think about writing again.

And, a new season of life gives me an opportunity to write about something new. Therefore, I've started a new website to focus on a particular niche that I enjoy - planning, organization, and productivity at The Orderly Place. If you want to take a look, please stop by. As of January 2019, the pages are still a bit empty, but Lord willing, they will fill out little by little.

You can also follow along on Instagram or Facebook.

I look forward to seeing some familiar names in the comments section!