Saturday, October 16, 2010

What's Next For Homestead Revival™?

I've lost track of time this month, but if my guess is right, it's been about 3 weeks since I've posted on a regular basis. The time off has certainly allowed me the opportunity to pray and listen to the Lord as to what I need to do with Homestead Revival™. 

Photo Credit: DeaPeaJay

So many of you have not only encouraged me, but prayed as well, and for that I'm so very thankful! What a sweet gift of love for someone whom you only know through writing on a screen! I'm sure you've come to realize, as I have, that behind each and every pen name or blog ID, there's a real person with a real life and real events and circumstances within that life. 

And it's no different on this end either. I have a real life with a real situation going on as well as a real family. And because the Lord has called me first and foremost to this role, that is where I will devote the majority of my time. Although my husband and I had originally agreed that blogging might meet some of the goals we had set, things change and so the need to adapt to those needs must be met. Researching and blogging on a daily basis is very time consuming and this just isn't the season for me to write so intensively.  

Rather than shutting off the blog entirely, I plan to leave it open and post only when I have plenty of free time and a real need for a creative outlet! (You can probably already imagine how sporadic that will be!) Hopefully, my archive of posts will help fill a need for someone and allow those who are new to the blog to get caught up. 

I just want to express once again how grateful I am for everyone's concern and patience during this last month. Thank you!