Monday, November 15, 2010

Want To Show Off Your Coop?

Yes, I'm still here! Sorry it's been a long week without posts. It's no fun coming to a blog where there's nothing new, but I hope to do a little better this week.

I'm extending the deadline a week for those who would like to share their chicken coop pictures. So far, I've had three readers send in their photo. Please don't feel like it needs to be super-duper special or over the top. We just want to see what others are doing and get inspired that we can do this, too. Besides, we'll learn a little about you just be seeing your hen house! So if you can email me a photo by next Sunday, I'd love to share it (homesteadrevival at sbcglobal dot net). And be sure to let me know your blog URL so I can include it as well.

Photo Credit: druid labs
I can't wait to see them all!