Friday, August 20, 2010

Basil Pesto And Salad Dressing

When you have lots of this...

Homegrown Basil

You can make this!

Homemade Pesto with Pine Nuts

Basil Pesto

2 cups packed fresh basil leaves
1 cup grated parmesan
1/2 cup toasted pine nuts
3 garlic cloves
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

Combine all ingredients except the olive oil in your VitaMix or food processor. Pulse gently to roughly chop ingredients. On low speed, continue to process and slowly drizzle in the olive oil until well blended. 

• For thicker pesto, reduce the amount of olive oil.
• Pesto freezes well. You can put it in small containers for an entire meal or freeze in ice cube trays for smaller requirements.
• Keep pesto covered prior to serving so it doesn't discolor (like guacamole). 

• Toss on pasta
• Serve on fish or chicken
• Add as a pizza topping
• Garnish appetizers
• Use as a dip
• Make it into a salad dressing!

Pesto Salad Dressing

1/4 - 1/2 cup homemade pesto (recipe above)
1 - 2 T. mayonnaise
juice of one lemon

Add mayo and lemon juice to pesto as desired. This isn't scientific, so just taste as you go. I like mine very lemony and creamy. 

If you freeze the pesto in ice cubes, you can make small batches of this dressing all winter! Oh, the bliss of it all!

Tell me how you like to use pesto! I'd love some more ideas!