
Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Hen Hilton's New Nesting Boxes

My husband finished the new nesting boxes this afternoon for the Hen Hilton. Isn't it cute? I love the roof! We had to extend the roost out front a bit after I took the photo. They needed a little more room to perch on so they could land easily.

'Penny' took to it right away. Good thing, because she is at the top of the pecking order!

The siding is almost done as well. Hopefully the roof will be on and we can paint before the end of October. It's slow going, but with a trip and work, it gets done when we have free time. My goal is to have the runs finished before the first snow! Oh, I hope!!

Right now, several of the girls are molting, so egg production is down a bit. Between cool nights, construction on their house, and a persistent bobcat, they are a bit out of sorts. Hopefully, it will pick back up again soon. The Hen Hilton is very warm and snug with plenty of light, so I hope that will encourage egg laying as well. I am starting to sell eggs when there are extras. If you live in the area, I will be posting this picture of eggs (above) in the left side bar when I have some available- first come, first serve type of thing. There's nothing quite like farm fresh eggs!


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