I am currently in love with fences.
Photo Credit: Code Poet
Have you ever stopped to consider the benefits of a fence?
Photo Credit: Alicakes*
They define space, create rooms, and impart a sense of security.
Photo Credit: 50%Chanceofrain
A fence gives you a sense of permanence; of belonging.

Photo Credit: ~K~
They can be timeless...

Photo Credit: Silver*Rose
and yet, recall a time of yesteryear.
Photo Credit: jschneid
A fence can corral and contain...
Photo Credit: Ben Oh
and provide a backdrop for a showy display of flowers,
Photo Credit: goddessexpresions
all while reflecting the character of the maker.
Photo Credit: brllnt_haromony
Yes, I love fences. And my husband is almost done with the fence around our garden and chicken yard. I can't wait!
Please share your own thoughts on fences!