I may be behind getting the house decorated, but I do have the advent "wreath" in place! Since advent starts right after Thanksgiving, this is always my priority each year, even if getting the tree up takes me another two weeks!

Each year I use the same container for my advent wreath, but I wanted to do something "outside the box" this year, and I found the inspiration I needed over at Poppin's Garden. I love the simplicity of this arrangement along with the natural elements of oranges, nuts, and bulbs. While a round wreath is typically used since it symbolizes God as being eternal, without beginning or end, it's up to each person as to the elements they incorporate into an advent wreath. And this line of candles with the numbers on them was just what I wanted for my own advent arrangement.
Used With Permission: Poppins' Garden
Although I didn't have a tray, I did have a two-tiered centerpiece that would work nicely. I think I got a wee bit carried away and didn't keep it quite as simple, but all the same, I still like how it turned out. And as you can see, I ended up with a garden theme this year...
Most of the items were free, either from my yard, or a gift card I earned at my local nursery which allowed me to add the rosemary for nothing! I deadheaded my oak leaf hydrangea, cut some more rosemary from the garden, and added an orange. The local Dollar Tree had the white candle holders and moss.
I added a few extra candles from around the house...
And some tags from the office supply store (about $1.50) which I tea stained...
And tied them around the candles. It's fun to just do something different and see how little money you can spend!
So... I thought it would be fun to inspire you with a couple of other unusual advent arrangements this year. Like the one below with pebbles in an old rusty tin container that I used last year...
And how about these potted candles on a tray!

Used With Permission: Songbird
I think this bundt pan with cranberries is so colorful and simple. Wouldn't it be cute in a "country kitchen" with a red and white gingham theme? Imagine all the antique containers that would make fabulous advent centerpieces...

Used With Permission: Small Notebook
If you have a photo of your own advent wreath to share, come over to the Community Forum and add your picture and inspiration! And if you haven't started an Advent tradition, it's really not to late. It's always just the right time to prepare our hearts for Jesus.