These good folks are wanting to spread the word and are graciously hosting another give-away for 3 dozen regular and 3 dozen wide mouth lids. You really should get in on this drawing!
Here's how to enter:
1. Visit Tattler's website and look around. Read some of the great info on their product, then come back here.
2. Leave a comment and tell me what you like from the info you found over there. And if you've used these before, let us know what you think.
3. Blog about this give-away and you can enter a second time. Be sure to mention that you've done so and I'll come visit you!
NOTE: This give-away is for followers of Homestead Revival™. If you've been reading regularly, but haven't actually joined us, why not do it today? Just click on "Follow" over on the right sidebar. We'd love to have you part of the family.
Give-Away ends Friday at 10:00 pm PST!
Let's spread the word about this great product!