How fast this will happen remains to be seen. I've had to get on a list or two for a delivery of chips and both of those will only occur if they trim trees in my area. The good news is, lots of trees exist in my immediate neighborhood and tree trimming trucks are often seen around the community. I just have to be patient.

Laying down newsprint is not necessary for Paul's method, but I had a weed problem last year and I want to make an attempt to rid my garden of most of these. I'll still have some, but hopefully they will be easier to pull. It certainly worked in my initial application a couple of years ago. To this day, although the newspapers have broken down, there are very few weeds. However, I should mention that this is mostly pathways between boxes which only receive water from the boxes that seep. (Note: many newspapers now use a safer soy based ink - you'll need to ask if have any concerns about toxic ink substances.)
For those of you who haven't watched the movie yet, you might want to read my summery post or Chaya's review on her blog (our give-away hostess!). If you want to purchase a video to share with others or if you are unable to view it on-line because of dial up or other issues, Chaya sells this as well as a host of other wonderful pantry items at Pantry Paratus.
Now, I know you want to know who won, right? Congratulations goes to...
Hoosier Girl @ Blessed Little Homestead Life!
I'll be in touch, Hoosier Girl! Have fun sharing your new DVD with all your friends!
For more information on the "Back To Eden" method, be sure to read over their page "How To Get Back To Eden".